About SarahEmma
SarahEmma's relationship status wasn't listed as an option and is seeking males for friendship or a casual relationship or a serious relationship.
What do you like most about where you currently live?
I love the fact that I’m nearer my family; I spent over 8years living over 200miles away from them and now I’m much closer, I love it.
I also like that I’m near cities but live in the countryside.
Where in the world are your favourite places?
My favourite place is home- which sounds really boring.! I also love New York and being on a beach anywhere; Greece and the Caribbean are my favourites so far.
What makes a good relationship?
Honesty, trust, laughter, respect and a partnership.
- Hair Dark Brown
- Eyes Blue
- Height 5' 2" / 157cm
- Weight I'd rather not say
- Body type Average
- Glasses Sometimes
- Ethnicity White
- DisabledNo
- Stance No Interest
- Situation Employed
- Sector Education
- Income between £40,000 and £49,999
- Have Yes (living at home)
- Want I may want to have more children
- Home I own my home
- Live With Children