About ItchScratcher2
ItchScratcher2's relationship status wasn't listed as an option and is seeking females for a casual relationship.
I'm just me, here’s a list of random stuff about me
I like randomness
I can't spell
Happiness is essential, if you don't have any I will persuade you to get some
I'm addicted to curries
Honesty is underrated
I hate conspiracy theorists with an absolute passion, the misguided idiots need shaking. Conspiracies can be real though.
I will not tolerate intolerance
Criticizing without perspective should be illegal
If you're over the age of 30 and still use text talk, there’s something wrong with you. Really, there is.
I don't like ready meals or chocolate. Actually I love chocolate, I just don’t eat it. Well maybe sometimes
Very liberal but not woke or PC
I don't do victim mentality. If you’re old enough to take responsibility for your own life but won’t, you’ll set yourself up to fail
I try not to judge, I really do
I exercise. It is not always fun but it is always necessary
If pizza is my God; what can steak be?
Winks show a distinct lack of thought and effort - please don't wink at me. I’ll accept a drink though
I believe that if you’re not going to do anything to change the situation you’re in, then you don't have the right to complain
Sprouts are the devils vegetable, but strangely wonderful once fried with garlic and olive oil
Immature girls need not apply
Sarcasm is not the lowest form of wit, it’s not even the second lowest
I am often really, REALLY busy
I will always make time for a nymphomaniac
I remember everything, when I’ve been listening that is
I have a really great sense of direction.
Manners cost nothing
I SO wish karma was true. You know, all that bad shit you've done coming back to bite you in the arse? If only
I like sleep but I like awake more
If your profile is going on about all the things you won’t do, I won't contact you. An open attitude says a lot about a person...
- Hair Dark Brown
- Eyes Brown
- Height 5' 9" / 175cm
- Weight 11 st 0 lbs / 70kg
- Body type Athletic
- Glasses Sometimes
- Ethnicity Mixed
- DisabledNo
- Stance No Interest
GCSEs / O levels and A levels (or equivalent)
- Situation Self Employed
- Sector Transport / Logistics
- Income I'd rather not say
- Alcohol Light Drinker
- Smoking Non-smoker
- Diet No Special Diet
- Religion Not religious, but I don't practice my religion
- Interests
books and cooking and cycling and gym and health and
music—listening and pubs and spirituality and restaurants andsport—watching and travel
- Have Yes (sometimes living at home)
- Want I may want to have more children
- Home I own my home
- Live With Wasn't listed as an option